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What Is Colour Blindness

what is color blindness

From nature to our favourite views, colours are beautiful; they give life to art and allure us to love many things. At some point, colours define the world for us. However, as beautiful as we see these unique colours, some people see them differently. Some find it hard to differentiate specific colours, and in some rare cases, some see everything as black and white.

 In every healthy individual’s eye, two cells are located in the retina. These cells are known as rods and cones, and their primary job is to detect light and darkness.

Three cone cells are in charge of detecting different colours and are focused around the central vision. The brain determines colours through the cones. At a time when one or more cones are disabled, weak or not functioning correctly, colour blindness occurs.

Types of Colour Blindness

There are majorly two types:

  •         Unable to differentiate  between red and green
  •         And unable to distinguish between blue and yellow

However, total colour blindness occurs when all three cones in the retina are not functioning. People with this type of colour deficiency see everything as black and white.

Symptoms Of Colour Blindness

As the name implies, its main symptom is the inability to see colours appropriately. However, there are three main symptoms. These include:

  •         Trouble in differentiating colours
  •         Finding it hard to tell how bright some colours are
  •         Unable to recognise several shades of colours.

Some signs are so minor, almost not noticeable. People with these minor symptoms get used to how they see things, so they don’t even know they have colour blindness. However, people with more severe symptoms may also experience nystagmus and light sensitivity.

Who is at Risk?

Colour blindness is widely known to be related to genetics. Most people with colour deficiency have a family history of colour blindness. However, almost everyone is at risk of having this condition. Recent studies showed that light-skinned individuals and men also have a higher risk. Some of the main reasons include the following:

  •          AMD
  •          Glaucoma
  •          Diabetes
  •          Alzheimer’s disease or multiple sclerosis (MS)
  •       A toxic effect from certain drugs.

It can also occur due to lazy eyes, light sensitivity and poor vision.


Up-to-date, there is no known cure for inherited colour blindness. However, some methods can be adjusted. In addition, in the technological world we live in today, there are visual aids that are purposely made for similar problems, such as special glasses, and contact lenses.

In addition, in situations like glaucoma, AMD and other diseases, once the disorders are treated, the colour blindness goes away. Please speak to your eye care specialist; they know best which treatment is the right one for you.

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