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Why You Should Wear Your Sunglasses In Winter

If sunglasses are not among your treasured add-on, I suggest you look again. In fashion, you can’t talk about style without including glasses. Nowadays, we often wear glasses for fashion more than for their primary purpose. We almost forget that these glasses are primarily made to protect our eyes. 

Whether young or old, indoor or outdoor, cold or warm, glasses always have their ways of safeguarding our eyes. Below are five reasons why you should wear your glasses in winter.

Safeguard Your Eyes from UV Rays

You are probably aware that the sun emits UV rays that are unsafe for your skin. Well, also know that these rays are not safe for your eyes. Whether during winter or not, excess exposure to ultraviolet radiation from the sun is a no-no for our eyes. It can lead to redness, watery, and probably itchy eyes. The rays also boost the risks of eye complications like:

The risk of having any of the above eye complications should be enough reason not to joke with your glasses during the wintertime.

Safeguard your Eyes from cold Air and Dry Wind

Not only the sun causes harm to the eyes during winter, the eyes usually get irritated during winter due to cold air and dry wind. This is because the tear film in your eyes dries up faster than usual. Also, if you wear contact lenses, you may notice that they dry up quickly during this time of the year. Cold air and dry wind may also contain other elements like dust or other natural materials that could harm our eyes. This can be pretty uncomfortable.

But with your favourite close-fitting eyewear, your eyes and contact lenses remain moist, with no eye irritations and natural elements to worry about.

Wear Sunglasses For Better Vision

Do you like driving or prefer exercising your legs by walking to a close-by friend’s house or maybe just getting your favourite snack? Well, anyhow you prefer moving out, it doesn’t stop the sun from rising. Sometimes, when the sun shines during the winter, its reflection on snow or your rearview mirror can give you a blank or blindsight for a few seconds; this can result in a massive accident if you’re driving. But with your favourite shades on, I bet the stunning winter sun won’t have a way or chance to blind your eyes partially.

Glasses make You and Your Eyes Comfortable

Most of the time we experience eyestrain, which is accompanied by headaches. Eyestrain is something we can barely escape with only our bare eyes during winter. We spend much time indoors during the winter, and the sun seems exceptionally bright whenever we decide to go out. Our eyes can barely adjust quickly to this bright light from the sun, which will further result in eyestrain and headache.

One of the important of sunglasses is reducing the light that enters the eyes. This will further safeguard your eyes and give them much time to adjust to bright light comfortably

Good Looks

I’m sure this is among the cool reasons why you love your favourite glasses; they look ‘wow’ to you, right? Keeping our eyes safe is essential as well as popping out the good looks in us. So rocking your cool favourite shades to your favourite places during the winter will turn many smiling heads to your face.

Sunglasses go way beyond beach time and summer. There is no season that your eyes need less protection, every season has its way of affecting the eyes. So when next you are planning for winter, don’t forget your favourite glasses. Here are some eye care tips for winter.

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